The law of Moses states that a gay man should be put to death

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:13

So why do all these "jews" tell others to break the laws of Moses?

They're first response to questioning thier religion is "You know nothing about my religion".

First of all Christians do have the OT. Second we know how your rabbis nullify the commandments of God.

Example: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." THAT JUST APPLIES TO YOUR NEIGHBOR


You don't care are blacks, gays, women, you juse want to use them to attack white people

Good thing you see them as being white, trust me when I say they are WORSE.

I wish more more christians knew how Jews see them, AS DOGS. Even Jesus Reffered to non jew as DOGS

This type of prejuduce was resolved with peter in Act Chapter 10, but many jews and even christians beleive this today.

Paul also had to deal with this kind of prejuduce as the first christians neglected the needs and gentiles

Will do a page about early reliationships between jewish/crhistians,converts, and how gentiles were brought into the fold

I digress: continued

Sadly many jews still beleive this prejudice today, it is ingrained in their religion.

If Someone who is black, indian, asian, looks out for their racial interest thats good.

If Someone who is white looks out for their racial interest thats BAD.
