Many Jews in the United States or any other nation operate as spies for Israel

I Do not know what is worse:

1. The Pedophilia

2. The Blackmail

3. The Coverup?

Now think about this:


They will deny it when accused and only admit it when boasting.

They will use a term that was invented in the 60's "The Holocaust" to deflect any criticism

A former Jew, now Orthodox Christian convert has explained this is writing and in video

Watch The Video: THe "Holocuast", "Antisemitism", "racism", "Homophobia", "Islamaphobia" are all made-up words to subvert the English language

Whoever Controls the Information controls the population.

When I was younger a had a web document about manipulation. One of the concepts was "You have the child you have the adult"

The Holocaust is a lie

This is what I was taught when I was younger

Here is some more

Who promotes sex & drugs to kids? Hollywood

Here's another one: Demonization of whites.

Tell people in white nations not to have children

And encourage everyone else to come flood white nations

They will deny it and then brag about it on the other side of their mouth.

While the Jewish heads of states open the flood gates

What is this American Jew doing in Sweden to "promote mutliculturalism"?

If you disagree with her your ANTI-SEMETIC

The Goal is Clear: Mix everyone together so Jews can rule the world

Jews hate white people and seek to genocide us along with palestinian. Before palestinians were "Amalek: it was us "White Supremacist".

Judiasm is a cult that teaches its members they have a "God given" right: to rule the planet and controls who lives and who dies" because "God commanded it" to people thousands of years ago, thousands of years before Jesus Christ. The Jewish leadership assigns names from thousands of years ago to groups alive today, like "Edom" to Christians(who must also die), "Amalak" to people they want to kill.

This is what jews actually think

Reality is more like this

These people want to kill Palestinians, Christians, Whites, and create a slave race that will serve them


Left Ball....

Right Ball....

Everyone is tired and just wants to live this life in peace.


Or programmed pets that have turned on them



Kick them out, aparantly God's wants them in Israel.